Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Wow. all the groups presented awesome stuff.

I really liked 'Letters to Amanda' cause it's really meaningful and the simplistic design is a boomz. Awesome sauce (Joshua style).

Other than that, I would like to talk about working with external companies. Both satisfying client's needs and satisfying proj requirements are IMPT, so whats the issue here. Actually, there isn't much a issue, but we are somewhat dependent on another company(that is not our client) for the graphics, audios, videos, used for app. So this kinda determines our progress for the app. Also, the time taken for whoever that need to get back to us regarding our queries is super long and not standard, so its really hard for us to gauge and plan.

Prof Ben told my group that we should still take charge of the project and produce results. We shouldn't be lagged because we don get the materials from them. Then, i was thinking, sometimes, we can't act on our own because we are building something for someone and we don't get the full decision right. Features we propose, also need to be approved by them. Of course, we could just build the ideas and then let them review later when they get back to us. Or build it with our self-created graphics then change it later when the professional ones are done later. We may just have to change the system again afterwards if they are unhappy with it despite us thinking the features are cool and awesome. I feel it's like a waste of effort if we are unsure whether will they be really put into use or scraped later on. That was what i felt back then.

Also, I know that even though client may not like the new features we did, it is ok to satisfy proj requirements because eventually people are subjective. One can like our idea, another may not. This is like a never ending dilemma - whether to satisy proj requirements and create something with less pro materials or wait for client's approval then proceed. So hard to strike a balance...

But of course I completely agree to Prof Ben now. We should not be hindered, especially by problems we claim to affect us but they actually don't.

So, my group got tog and discussed and we are ready to go ahead with new ideas and features. Gonna implement them and then propose to client. It's similar to 先斩后奏 in the sense. HAHA. Anyways it's all about the learning process!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I totally agree that Letters to Amanda deserve an "Awesome Sauce"! I like the fonts.

    All the best for your Roboty adventure!
